Tuesday, March 29, 2011
今天终于在美术系上了第一堂课——Illustration 3,
assignment是fashion illustration/music illustration,
选fashion illustration将会参加Tropicana Life比赛作为assignment,
选music illustration就只是纯粹assignment而已。
Sunday, March 27, 2011
缠斗 (倪安东)
猜 用意 再计算 后果 选择攻 还是守
关 怀 不 能 当控制 的 藉 口
小改变 我 配 合 大改造 别闹了
爱情像石头 会摩擦起火
热的争吵 冰冷的互动 暖和的相拥 唇枪舌剑 的快乐 来回缠斗~~~
路 人 一 眼 就骂我 不 快 走
别人看 你 一 眼 你马上 笑 了
不 听 你 的 就怪我 太 自 我
当你不 听 我 的 又理由 很多
爱情像石头 会摩擦起火
热的争吵 冰冷的互动 暖和的相拥 来回缠斗
你蒙面 展开搜索 (若无其事 微笑逼问口供)
派耳目 一路跟踪 (谁动作 像蝴蝶 谁讲话 太像蜜蜂)
Ba Ba Ba Ba Ba Ba Ba Ba
Ba Ba Ba Ba Ba Ba Ba Ba
Ba Ba Ba Ba Ba Ba Ba Ba
Ba Ba Ba Ba Ba Ba Ba Ba
Ba Ba Ba Ba Ba Ba Ba Ba
Ba Ba Ba Ba Ba Ba Ba Ba
Ba Ba Ba Ba Ba Ba Ba Ba
Ba Ba Ba Ba Ba Ba Ba Ba
爱情的战火 引爆的温柔
来回缠斗 很头痛 却不放手
爱情像石头 会摩擦起火
热的争吵 冰冷的互动 暖和的相拥 来回缠斗
爱情像石头 会摩擦起火
热的争吵 冰冷的互动 暖和的相拥 来回缠斗
你蒙面 展开搜索 (若无其事 微笑逼问口供)
派耳目 一路跟踪 (谁动作 像蝴蝶 谁讲话 太像蜜蜂)
Saturday, March 19, 2011

埋伏了许久,好不容易偷拍到目标偷情证据的周家琦,因一场意外,惹上了摄影师郑仁义(李铭顺 饰);表面光鲜爱耍帅的仁义,其实是个经济拮据的穷酸,仗着拿到了家 琦相机内的SD卡,乘机敲诈,令家琦气结不已...家琦本想赶紧打发仁义这个大麻烦,取回SD卡,怎料最后阴差错,仁义反而加入了家琦的侦探社工作,两 人成了工作上的欢喜冤家...
欠了一屁股债的仁义,本来是业内著名摄影师,风流倜傥,深受模特儿喜爱;一年前,'勾搭'上大老板的模特儿情 人后,被"抓奸在床",惨遭打断一条腿,并被业内全面封杀;不过,仁义始终坚持,自己是受害者,没勾搭模特儿,更没与人结怨;唯一能解释自己不幸的,就 是"衰"!莫名其妙成了女模特们斗争中的无辜牺牲品,仁义只能自叹倒霉;但事实,却不是仁义以为的那样...
家琦目前打理的私家侦探社,是姐夫和姐姐所创办的,三年前,家琦本是一名女警,自姐姐一家在国外失踪后,家琦辞去了警员的工作,全力寻找姐姐一家;并负责照顾姐姐的小女儿张一心。三年 前,只有5岁的一心,因感冒发烧,没和大伙去旅行,留在家由外公外婆照顾,逃过了那一场不幸...一心自此成了家琦的精神寄托和补偿对象;然而,三年的明察暗访,家琦唯一的发现,只是姐夫子豪的外遇证据...
侦探社自子豪夫妻失踪后,员工也相继离开,最后只剩下憧憬当警员,但却性格内向的宅男郭安进(王冠逸 );以及话多声音大兼负责侦探社打扫工作的阿妹姐(包惠妹)(林梅娇 饰)继续帮家琦工作...
仁义的不羁派与家琦的严肃派,水火不相容;仁义更扬言,家琦完全符合他'三点不碰'的标准,堪称"人间极品"!不过, 仁义与一心却一见如故,非常投缘...所谓日久见人心, 仁义渐渐发现了家琦不幸的遭遇后,重新'解读'家琦,发现家琦也并非符合自己"三点不碰"的原则...
嘴硬心软的仁义,心思细腻,得知雅文纵使知道未婚夫不忠,还是准备嫁给对方后,不惜撒了个'白色谎言';哪怕知道家琦会痛骂自己不专业,仁义坚持让雅文能' 愉快'地完成婚礼...好心终于有好报,家琦因此从雅文处,得知了仁义的用心良苦,雅文更道出,当年是自己背叛了深情的仁义... 家琦恍然,仁义确实如一心所言,是个善良的好人...
家琦一直有个青梅竹马的帅哥男友Stanley(王沺裁 饰),Stanley风度翩翩,事业有成; 可是,在国外呆了一年的Stanley,回国后竟对家琦避而不见,原来Stanley准备向家琦分手,但碍于父亲陈伯是家琦父亲老友,Stanley只好 一拖再拖...终于,Stanley找到了机会,向家琦提出分手;家琦难过,仁义不忍,鼓励家琦去争取所爱,传授家琦"三招"挽回男友...岂料,三招未派上用场,仁义已经先中招...
子豪一家失踪的事,似乎渐渐被淡忘的时候,家美终被发现!但家美脑部受重创,导致失去记忆...当年家美离开前,要告诉家琦的话,成了永远的秘密...对于 能找到家美,让家琦更有信心,将外甥们找回来;可是,家琦越追查越担心,因为她发现姐夫可能已经遇害,而凶手极有可能是家美...
向来坚持 凡事都应该找出真相的家琦,这一次拒绝接受真相,但是仁义却坚持要继续侦查到底,如果家美有罪,就得负责后果;仁义觉得家琦如果对家美有信心,就不应该害 怕真相...仁义好意帮家琦寻找真相,反而莫名其妙地一再闯祸,导致他与家琦的关系恶化...为了与仁义划清界限,家琦接受了Stanley的求婚...
在家琦步入教堂当天,安进气急败坏赶来,告知子豪一家失踪的真相!震惊了全场...仁义兑现了他对家琦的承诺,用'自己'帮家琦'拍'到了真相,送给家琦当 结婚贺礼...真相究竟是什么?惨遭凶手毒打的仁义,生死未卜,从此音讯全无...家琦能把他找回来吗?又或者他从未离开过...
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Monday, March 14, 2011
In a rail yard within the northern Pennsylvania town of Fuller, a pair of workers for the Allegheny and West Virginia Railroad (AWVR), Dewey (Ethan Suplee) and Gilleece (T.J.Miller), are ordered to move a freight train off its current track to make way for an excursion train carrying schoolchildren. Dewey tells Gilleece not to connect the locomotive's air hose to save time; he does this knowing that the train's air brakes will be disabled on everything behind the gap in this configuration, but resolves to connect the hoses after parking the train on another track. Dewey begins moving the train through the yard, but sees that an approaching switch is not set to the right track. Against Gilleece's advice, Dewey jumps down to line the switch properly, while the independent brake and throttle/dynamic brake levers in the cab, unattended, fall of their own accord to 0% braking and full throttle, respectively. The train picks up speed, and Dewey is unsuccessful in his attempts to reboard. It leaves the yard and enters the main line unmanned.
Meanwhile, Will Colson (Chris Pine), a newly-hired conductor for AWVR, is partnered with veteran engineer Frank Barnes (Denzel Washington). Barnes and Colson meet in the southern Pennsylvania city of Brewster, where Barnes, a 28-year employee, finds out that Colson, who will be in charge of the train, is only four months out of training. They take their locomotive to a zinc plant outside the city of Stanton to attach their train for the day, where, after Colson makes the mistake of picking up too many cars, they head north on the main line towards Fuller.
In Fuller, the hostlers let yardmaster Connie Hooper (Rosario Dawson) know that that they have a runaway train headed into opposing traffic on the main line. Assuming the dead man's switch will trigger the brakes and turn the train into a "coaster" that stops a few miles from the yard, she tells them to catch up with a high-rail-truck and stop it. She also calls Ned (Lew Temple), a lead welder for the railroad, and tells him to set a switch to direct the train into a siding. When he arrives at the switch, after waiting some minutes, Dewey & Gilleece arrive, and it becomes clear that the train has passed already, moving faster than expected due to being under power. The hostlers proceed to catch up with the train, but do not succeed in boarding it.
Connie and the dispatchers work to get every train on the main line onto sidings. From the AWVR headquarters in Pittsburgh, Oscar Galvin (Kevin Dunn), vice-president of train operations, calls her and asks her what's happening and what she is doing about it. She has not yet figured out how to stop the train, but works to make sure that each of the grade crossings along the line are secured, since 8 of the tank cars on the runaway train collectively contain 30,000 gallons of molten phenol, a hazardous material.
Barnes and Colson hear the dispatcher's order to pull into a siding. Barnes says they cannot use the siding initially assigned since their train is too long to fit in it. He asks instead if a Repair-In-Place-track further down the line is clear and gets permission to continue along the main line to it.
Galvin rejects Connie's suggestion to derail the train in an area of lightly populated farmland, since it would be too costly and it is still possible to stop the train. An emergency meeting of railroad executives approves another plan, but Galvin refuses to let Connie listen in on the meeting. The train's odyssey becomes a media event, followed by helicopters with continuous coverage on television and reporters at crossings in small towns.
The company's plan, to have a lashup of two locomotives enter the main line ahead of the runaway and slow it down while an employee (Ryan Ahern) attempts to board the lead locomotive from a helicopter, fails catastrophically, leading to the derailment of the lashup locomotives and the death of the veteran engineer (David Warshofsky) operating them. Barnes and Colson make it into the Repair-In-Place track in the nick of time, as the runaway smashes through the rearmost car of their consist.
As the train passes, Barnes sees that the coupling on the last car of the runaway is open. He decides to put his locomotive in reverse and catch the runaway by coupling onto the back of it. Colson, at first reluctant, joins him. Galvin insists that Barnes, Colson, and Connie abandon the plan, but they refuse even after Galvin threatens to fire them. Barnes then reveals that he has already been fired by Galvin, forced into early retirement.
The police abort a plan of tripping a fuel cutoff switch on the locomotive's side with close-range gun blasts at a grade crossing when they realize the switch's proximity to the fuel tank. Another attempt to stop the train with derailers in a small town fails because the train is too heavy and going too fast. Evacuations begin as the train approaches Stanton, where the line crosses the town on a sharp elevated curve. Taking the curve at the runaway's current speed would result in it derailing and falling into a fuel oil tank farm, causing a major disaster.
Barnes and Colson catch up with the runaway. After Colson manually couples their locomotive to the train, they begin slowing it down with their dynamic brakes, but are unable to slow the runaway down enough to safely navigate the curve. Barnes goes out onto the train and begins setting each car's brakes individually, but the chase locomotive's dynamic brakes blow out and the runaway begins to pick up speed again. Colson then applies an independent air brake from the chase locomotive. These factors slow the train down just enough to get it through the curve with precarious tilting, rather than a derailment. After coming out of the curve, Barnes attempts to run to the lead locomotive, but is stopped at a gap between two cars that is too wide to bridge.
Ned drives up alongside the train in his pickup truck, and Colson jumps into the back. Driving at high speed they make it to the front of the runaway, where Colson jumps to the lead locomotive and finally stops the train. Barnes, Colson and Ned are declared heroes and the former two reunite with their worried families.
Friday, March 11, 2011

走投无路之际,雅乐意外得知母亲在新加坡投资过一家婚纱店"良辰美景",由阿姨--梅金凤打理。雅乐想把婚纱店的股份卖给金凤,以便解决财务问题,可是金凤另有想法,坚决不肯买下雅乐的股份,还要雅乐留下工作。雅乐穷途末路,于是把心一横,答应留下。两人的相處也因而擦出 了不少火花。


当 年乐萱的爸爸发生婚



Tuesday, March 8, 2011
During an underwater cave exploration in Papua New Guinea, five people are trapped when a cyclone starts flooding the cave. With the water going up and the air running out, their only hope of survival is to travel through the unexplored underwater caves following the course of the river that leads into the ocean.
The film begins with the explorers 17-year-old Josh (Rhys Wakefield), expedition bank-roller Carl Hurley (Ioan Gruffudd) and his girlfriend Victoria, reaching the cave by helicopter at the Esa'ala Cave site.
Upon reaching the cave it is made known that Frank McGuire (Richard Roxburgh), Josh's father and a master diver, has already set up a forward base camp deep inside the cave. The team has been exploring the cave system for months, and have set up an excellent communication network that allows communication with the camp from above. While Victoria and Josh rappel down the cave, Carl chooses to dive and parachute into it, reaching the base camp before Josh and Victoria.
While the guests get comfortable, Frank and Judes decide to explore an unexplored section of the cave known as Devil's Restriction. Squeezing through a narrow passage they reach a giant cavern with huge ceilings, but while they are returning, Judes' hose snaps. With no backup tank, Frank offers Judes his full face driving mask to buddy breathe. After exchanging the mask twice, Judes begins to panic and refuses to let go of Frank's hose. Frank reluctantly pushes her away so that he can breathe, and Judes dies in front of his eyes. The entire action is captured and witnessed by the members of the forward base through the rover trailing the divers.
Josh accuses Frank of murdering Judes, while the others try to convince him that Frank took heroic risks in attempting to help her. Frank tells Josh that Judes knew the risks, and that Josh was responsible in part for the accident since he failed to procure the backup tanks. Meanwhile, a fierce storm develops on the surface, and attempts by the surface team to warn the divers fail. Unaware of the storm, some of the divers decide to return to the surface where they encounter water gushing in. Josh and Luko (Cramer Cain) refuse to escape without warning the dive team.
During the escape Luko is badly injured and Frank drown him in a mercy killing. Frank asks Victoria to use Judes' suit but she refuses. As a result, later her body becomes too cold. Later George, Frank's buddy, suffers from decompression sickness and stays behind so that he will not slow down the group. Victoria dies crossing a gorge in the cave. Her body had already been cold and she found it difficult to grasp the rope. When Carl shines a torch in her face to see if she is fine, she loses her foothold and trips. Her hair becomes trapped in the equipment. Despite Frank's warnings, she uses her knife, unknowingly cuts the rope and falls into the churning waters below. The divers lose all but one rebreather in the accident. The teams regroup and decide to rest. Frank explains that he intends to use the rebreather to dive and find a way to come back for them.
Carl, maddened by grief, suddenly dives in with the last tank and Frank loses him in the cave. Josh happens to find bat droppings and infers that there might be a way out, because bats only use passages (and entrances) that are big enough for humans. The two make their way out and find an opening up to the surface along with a Japanese tank from World War II that crashed through. They both decide to find another way through the cave rather than wait to be rescued. They find a crazed Carl who attacks Frank and mortally injures him by impaling him on some minor stalagmites before diving back into the cave without a tank in hope of finding a way out.
Josh is forced to mercy kill his father in the same manner as Frank mercy killed Luko. Josh dives and continues to swim on a single tank. As he swims, he sees Carl who has died due to lack of oxygen. When his light dies, he uses the light in the boar tooth his father gave him. Finally the tank runs out of air and Josh, remembering his father's words, uses air bubbles trapped on the cave ceiling and continues ahead. Finally exhausted and on the verge of giving up, Josh sees sunlight ahead and breaks the surface, emerging in the Solomon Sea and swims to a nearby beach.
Monday, March 7, 2011
Thursday, March 3, 2011